
Zana Kampala, Uganda

Why sponsor a child godly hands international ?

Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship is providing support to a child in need to fulfil their essential needs to thrive including medical care, food,water, and education. By sponsoring a child, individuals can help them empower them with a brighter future for themselves their families, their communities, and the world.

Why Sponsor a Child with Godly Hands International?

 Godly Hands Child International’s child sponsorship will result in thousands of lives changing across Africa. By choosing to sponsor a child you will have an opportunity to help overcome poverty not just short-term but long-term sustainable growth in their lives. 

Godly Hands International Child Sponsorship Project will result in thousands of lives changed across Uganda and Africa. Why sponsor a child with Compassion? By choosing to sponsor a child, you have the opportunity to help them have a brighter future, fostering not just immediate aid but long-term, sustainable growth in their lives.Here are some of the other reasons why you should sponsor a child

How to  a sponsor child?

Child sponsorship is an effective way to help children have a brighter future. Sponsorship addresses each of a child’s needs, providing food and medical care, education, mentorship, and developing their talents . Children are also introduced to the place of knowing who are in the Kingdom of God . Here are the some of the few  simple steps you can follow to get started.

You can select a child through our website ,one can sponsor a child through various factors the age,gender,special needs .

Making a commitment and these may involve monthly financial contribution You can choose the length of your sponsorship, and you can cancel or adjust your contributions at any time

Factors considered when sponsoring  a child  

  • Do you prefer a faith-based or a secular organization?
  • Does it matter to you how the child sponsorship program is implemented and administered at the local level?
  • Does it matter if the child sponsorship organization accepts government funding?
