
Zana Kampala, Uganda


Women Empowerment

Women’s empowerment are fundamental women’s rights to enable women to have control over their lives and put forth influence in society. Women often face discrimination and gender inequalities, with some women experiencing multiple discrimination and exclusion because of factors such as background or caste. This blog is explaining how GHI is getting involved to promote women empowerment.

Financial support

Providing Loans: Godly hands international offers small loans with flexible repayment terms. The other traditional banks may not be in position to lend to womenn businesses, generating income and independence due poor financial background. So GHI supports women to start or expand business generating income and impendence.

Pregnancy support: Some Women in Uganda go through different challenges during pregnancy for example early pregnancies, lack of access to healthcare, underlying health conditions (malaria, HIV/AIDS). It’s written that out 183 countries Uganda ranks 11th and the maternal mortality is 343 per 100,000 live births.

Entrepreneurship training and mentorship: GHI equip women with the skills and knowledge needed to start and run successful businesses, increasing their earning potential and financial independence.

Market and networking opportunities: Because women have different skills and make some crafts; GHI provides access to the market hence women selling their services and products on a fairer price.

Skill development: Godly hands international plays a significant role in helping women have more personal skills for example hair dressing ,weaving ,tailoring and many more  .